lördag, januari 24, 2009

Such a truth.

"Believing, huh? I was always the one who everyone thought would be the most open minded. And in many ways, I guess I was. But I believed only what I knew. And I knew so much more than most people. And what I didn’t know I had a hard time believing in. Thereof I did never really believe in the kind of love you were offering. I believed in love, that I did. I knew true love. I had people whom I loved with all my heart. But no one like you. That’s why you scared me, and still do, in many ways. I know I scared you as well. But you where not afraid of what you didn’t understand, like I was. You dared touching me, because you didn’t fear the pain. You dared talking to me in public, because you didn’t fear the shame. I feared both the pain and the shame. Though what did I have to feel ashamed about? I was the wicked one. The one who was feared by others and could do what I wanted because they didn’t dare arguing with me. The one who people talked about when I were not around. But either way it was not my own shame I feared, it was yours. I feared you being talked about like I was. I didn’t want my reputation on you as well. But just like any human I was, and will always be, selfish. "

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