onsdag, april 16, 2008

About Samantha Carmine, part 4 (last part)

Suddenly he was just standing there. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Andy, who I hadn’t seen for five years, was standig right in front of me. I bit my lip not to smile. I couldn’t have him knowing how extremely happy I was to see him. And he made that really hard for me when he started smiling himself. He didn’t say anything. I didn’t want him to either. I was terrified. What was going to happen now? Everyone thought I was dead. I should have known Andy would recognise my face on that poster. I should have known changing my hairstyle wouldn’t make me look different enough. And most of all I should have known that Andy understood me. He would know I wasn’t dead. Not after what I said that night. And now he found me.
- Why are you sad, Carmine? he finally asked.
- I don’t know what your talking about, I said though I knew it was hopeless.
- You know damn well. I’m talking about you, Samantha Carmine.
- My name’s not Samantha Carmine.
- Not anymore I suppose. What’s your name then?
I didn’t answer. He didn’t need to know. I would always be Samantha Carmine to him, no matter what I said.
- Why did you leave? he asked and I hated how sad he sounded.
- You know damn well why I left.
- Yeah... But why did you leave without me?
- Because... You belonged Andy, I didn’t.
- I would have gone with you!
- No, you wouldn’t, I sighed, knowing he knew I was right.
- But why pretending to be dead? Why not just run away?
- Because everyone would come looking for me and they would find me. And I couldn’t go back.
Andy looked away and didn’t reply. He understood. I looked at him. He looked pretty much the same. Though five years doesn’t do much in our age. He still had that Andy Warhol haircut and dark sunglasses. Looking at him like that made me realize how much I missed him. Then he looked back at me.
- Smile for me, Samantha, se said softly. I missed your smile so much.
And I smiled. No one had called me Samantha for a very long time. I hated that name, but when Andy said it, it was okay. Because he was Andy. Because he was the only one who knew anything. About Samantha Carmine.
The End (for real).

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